Do You Want To Age Better?

I’m Joe Garma. My biological age is 19 years younger than my calendar years. I achieved this by making lifestyle changes inspired by longevity science. And so can you!

Choose to live long and strong. I’ll show you how!

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Become Biologically Younger!

Since 2009, I’ve been researching, writing and experimenting with cutting-edge protocols that can help you lengthen you healthspan (the years you’re healthy), and even become biologically younger. The only age that matters is your biological age, not your chronological age. Gain more serenity, vitality, mobility and strength by slowing down — and even reversing — the physical and mental decline that is aging.

Our aim is to:

live long and strong!


I’ll show you how to:

  • Develop the right Mindset to intentionally design the life you want.
  • Fuel your body and brain with the right nutrition, supplements and superfoods.
  • Reset your biology through hormone optimization and detoxification.
  • Move your body in specific ways to gain mobility, strength and function.

More than 5,500,000 people have read GarmaOnHealth. It’s simple to get started. Just enter your email to receive the Ageproof Checklist and my weekly Newsletter.


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About Joe Garma


Age better with The Ageproof Method

Joe working on his online course, The Ageproof Method, in an old Swedish farm house.

As the Founder and Chief Guinea Pig of GarmaOnHealth, I help people add more serenity, vitality and strength into their life. I’m a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise.

Want more info about me?  Go here.



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