
Category Archives for "Mindfullness, Meditation, Psychology"

Top 10 Health Posts of 2011

Garma On Health’s Top 10 for 2011: 1. Stop Aging, 2. Eat Fiber to Live Longer, 3. Be Here Now, 4. Run Pain Free, 5. Be Self Reliant, 6. The Evidence on Exercise and Diet, 7. Build a Better Brain, 8. Five Diet and Exercise Myths, 9. Steve Jobs’ Legacy, 10. Belly Fat and Cancer, 11. (Dr. Weil Bonus) Four Alternatives to Antidepressant Drugs.

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Six Tools To Make Your New Year Resolutions Come True

Here comes the New Year, 2012. Will you attain your New Year Resolutions? How will you make those goals a reality? Begin with a conception, move to a process and then use these six practical tools to attain your goals.

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Dr. Weil’s Four Alternatives to Antidepressant Drugs

For mild to moderate depression, pharmaceutical antidepressants are no more effective than placebos, says Dr. Weil. But the science also says that there are four steps you can take that are effective. Reducing or eliminating depression is all about anti-inflammatory foods, supplements, exercise and a shift in cognition.

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A Little Depressed? 10 Actions That Help Me

Mildly depressed? No need to be – 10 actions to evaporate away your depression. SAM-e, krill oil, exercise, meditation, music and other positive action are proven to help. Collectively, they address the dimensions within which we live our lives.

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Steve Jobs’ Real Legacy – Teaching Us to Live Passionately

Steve Jobs created fantastic products, but his most important legacy is how he lived his life. He found what he loved to do and did it passionately. Here, I dive into his “Think Different” philosophy, “12 Steve Jobs Lessons for Us All”, and his “Stanford Commencement Speech” to share the golden nuggets of his life, so that you can life yours better. (Watch)

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7 Ways Meditation Builds Your Brain

Meditation delivers better health, emotional resiliency and brain power. The science is clear – -meditation builds a better you. Here are seven benefits of meditation.

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Niko Alm and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Watch this news report about Niko Alm and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as Niko bends the Austrian government to his will and gets his driver’s license with his photo of himself wearing a pasta strainer on his head.

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What You Sow, You Reap… when the Enemy is Us

In the absence from blogging these past weeks, I was pulled into family issues on both coasts and relearned a lesson we all know but perhaps do not emphasize enough as we make the decisions that make our life. IT’S A common admonition among bloggers to beware the writer’s block that is surely in their […]

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Be Self-reliant – Be Prepared for Calamity

When I began this blog over 1.5 years ago, I wasn’t really sure just what I’d be writing about, but I know I did not contemplate providing a repository for earthquake news and disaster preparedness. By popular demand, here are some resources to bring you to self-reliance.

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“10 Things to Learn from Japan” A Lesson for the World

The calm, dignity, grace, order, self-sacrifice, ability, tenderness training, consciousness and media restraint so evident these past weeks in Japan as its people survive and rebuilt their society after the massive earthquake and tsunami presents a valuable lesson to the world.

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