Life Extension’s Deep Discount — “Must-have” Supplements On Sale Now

Life Extension doesn’t often put its outstanding supplements on sale, and I’ve never seen them this inexpensive, so pull out your wish list and order while the best antioxidants, essential fatty acids, phyto extracts and hormone balancing supplements are still available at these wonderfully low prices.

UPDATE: I just took advantage of this sale and ordered online at Life Extension a few minutes ago (2/28/13) and want to point out that the “Free Shipping” code must be inputted as in the Product Discount Code field (box), and it will thereby be reflected in the checkout basket like any other product.  The actual “Discount Code” shown below is not needed, as the discount prices are already reflected if you use this link.

LIFE EXTENSION FOUNDATION is one of my favorite health information and vitamin supplement sites.  As the name suggests, much of the material covered at is about aging better.

Here’s what LEF’s Dr. Mike Smith says about the products and this Life Extension Overstock Sale:

[Discount Code: SKB301W   Free Shipping Code: LIVELONG1]

When I wrote “must-have” in this post’s title, I’m making a presumption that you’re interested in what vitamin supplementation might be able to do to help reduce the typical health issues associated with aging.

After about an hour on the site, you’ll realize that we don’t need to age so poorly! The prevalent aspects of aging — inflammation, arthritis, weight issues, cell oxidation, cardiovascular disease, and hormone unbalance, and more – can be ameliorated by various protocols, including supplementation.

Over the years, I have learned much from LEF.  The organization has helped influence my own quest to age better, and with that aim, I’ve become a big consumer of their information and products, from the male hormone blood panel (they have one for females too, both here) to one-of-a-kind formulated supplements.

So, it’s without hesitation that I encourage you to dive into LEF right now, because it’s now they are offering an unusually large discount on overstock supplements.

Lookie here for a very small sampling of what’s available… and then grab the Link your Discount Code and Free Shipping Code below…

Those were just a small taste of the discounted supplements available.

Go see the rest, for surely there’s something savory there for you.  Continue on to:

Life Extension Overstock Sale Link for discounts up to 75%

– Use the Discount Code if required: SKB301W

– And don’t forget the Fee Shipping Code: LIVELONG1

Apparently, this sale will continue until April 8, 2013, but don’t dawdle as the supplies will get quickly sold out!


P.S. The links above that take you to a product page are likely Affiliate Links, which means that should you buy something, I’ll get some dollars; however, know that this does not affect the price you pay.

Last Updated on December 5, 2014 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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