
Category Archives for "Miscellaneous"

Steve Jobs to Murdock: Fox News ‘A Destructive Force In Our Society’

Steve Jobs, talking truth to power, once told Robert Murdock that Fox News is a destructive force and will malign his legacy. Does he have a point? A survey of cable news viewers demonstrate that Fox viewers are less accurately informed than viewers of other news outlets. Read what Jobs said to Murdock

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Four Solutions to Antibiotic-resistant Super Bed Bugs

Antibiotics are getting beat by quickly evolving bacteria. In many American cities, there’s an infestation of Bed Bugs, some of which now have bacteria such as MRSA that are super-resistant to antibiotics. Consider alternatives to antibiotics. Here are four.

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WikiLeaks – Right or Wrong?

When does full disclosure undermine our government and society? Where’s the balance between openness and effectiveness? Given WikiLeaks access to sensitive, potentially life threatening information, it, and its media partners, have a duty to purge documents of information that compromise the lives of people, while at the same time expose intended or established policy and actions that comprise the very ideals (often shouted through the largest megaphone) of this and other countries.

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The Day for Remembrance

Today, I remember our soldiers and sailors, particularly my Father. Today, you can choose your celebratory term: Remembrance Day, Veteran’s Day, Armistice Day, even Poppy Day. It doesn’t matter. What does, is that today we remember the signing of the armistice that concluded WWI, and honor those that served all America’s wars, justified or not.

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Is the Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Campaign Effective? Listen.

Has $1.5 billion been spent effectively on a breast cancer cure? If marketing could cure breast cancer, there would be a cure, says Barbara Brenner of Breast Cancer Action. A lot of money has been raised without a corresponding reduction in the breast cancer rate, she affirms. The Susan G. Komen organization – the world’s largest breast cancer charity, says it’s money well raised and well spent. Listen!

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