
Category Archives for "Mindfullness, Meditation, Psychology"

The Mindset Focus: Positivity, Intimacy and Sleep

the mindset focus

The mindset focus that is arguably the most important is on being positive, developing intimate relationships (not necessarily physical) and getting plenty of restorative sleep. Ignoring these will  make it more difficult to bloom in your later years, and live the long and healthy life that is your potential.

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Reduce Chronic Inflammation With A Daily Mindfulness Practice and 3 Adaptogens, Part 2

daily mindfulness practice

A daily mindfulness practice can reduce your chronic inflammation by reducing your stress. These days, stress is a problem and chronic inflammation will exacerbate any illness, especially COVID-19. Learn what to do.

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How To Use Tim Ferriss’ Tools of Titans To Get What You Want

The tactics, routines and habits of billionaires, icons, and world-class performers

Use Tim Ferriss’ Tools of Titans to get what you want. Do this: Release every thought and emotion that undermines you; develop a “can-do” mindset; use the tools, routines and habits of the billionaires, icons, and world-class performers that he profiles in his new book.

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28 Tips to Boost Your Energy and Performance

cultivate your energy

Learn the 28 ways to boost your energy and performance, as studied and outlined by the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute. Your personal energy can be cultivated on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, and each needs the other to be maximally effective. Read on…

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