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Tag Archives for " cortisol "

Take This Hormone Questionnaire by Dr. Thierry Hertoghe

hormone questionnaire

This Hormone Questionnaire designed by third-generation endocrinologist Dr. Thierry Hertoghe will give you insight about any hormone imbalances you may have, which is very common as we age. You can optimize your hormones, but first you need to identify the problem areas.

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How To Measure and Fix Your Blood Sugar

fix your blood sugar

There’s more than a 3-in-4 chance that your blood sugar is too high, and this can lead to a number of chronic health issues, even shorten your life. Learn how to measure and fix your blood sugar. The Apple Watch, FitBit Ionic and Epic Health lead the way.

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How To Fix Your Adrenals and Rev Up Your Life

In this day and age of hustle bustle, everyone seems stressed out. And maybe we are. There’s a pretty good chance you need to fix your adrenals. Find out if you’re at risk for adrenal fatigue and what to do about it if you are.

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22 Belly Fat Tips From Three Experts That Will Make You Healthy and Lean

Grab your favorite belly fat tips and begin to trim your abs and the rest of your very fine self right now. Three experts show you the way.

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3 Reasons Leptin Resistance Made You Fat and What To Do About It

a protein breakfast

There are reasons you’re fat. Some are obvious. One may not be. It’s called leptin resistance, which basically means that the hormone that tells you when to stop eating is malfunctioning. Here’s how to tell if that’s your issue and what to do about it. [Watch]

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Meditate Like A Monk In 20 Minutes


Isochronic tones and binaural beats are two brain entrainment technologies that will let you meditate like a monk in 20 minutes. (Listen below.) Learn why having a meditation practice is about the healthiest thing you can do for your body and mind.

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The Four Pillars of A Long and Strong Life

What if you could experience your 90th year with your 50-year old body? If it’s possible, it will take an overhaul of what you think, and what you do. You must clear six hurdles and construct four pillars upon which your life must be anchored.

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The Baby Boomer’s Guide To Trimming Body Fat

When you age, a whole cavalcade of biologically and behaviorally based things happen that can make you stubbornly hold on to fat. If you want to be svelte, you need to tackle fat with some smart and consistent actions, which I outline in this “Baby Boomer’s Guide to Trimming Body Fat” post.

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