An Unexpected Pleasure

The unexpected pleasures of small surprises that make you smile, like music wafting on the wind. (Don’t miss the infographic!)

HEY, IT’S Sunday morning and sun is streaming in the picture windows and all is quiet except for the lilting sound of a flute being played by a neighbor.

The sound of this music feels really good.

That said, I know little about music.

Prior to high school, I grew up mostly in Ethiopia. In those formative years when other boys were getting their music and baseball indoctrination, I was on horseback with my BB gun strapped to my back making sure I didn’t venture where a 50 caliber was needed.

Fast forward about 100 years to this decidedly different continent… now, unsurprisingly given my history, when at home or working on something, I rarely think of music. But when it comes to me lilting in the wind, like this morning, I’m glad.

Which reminds me of a road trip from Santa Barbara to home here in Sausalito. I wrote about this in a post called, The Music I Lost and Found. It’s about how a long string of songs made a long road trip nearly blissful, despite a hailstorm.

[I link to some really good music there.]

The common thread between that trip and now is that some wonderful music turned some corner to find, surprise and delight me.

An “unexpected pleasure” as my Grandma would say.


And now, check out this wonderful and informative infographic from a whole list of sources listed on the bottom.  If you wonder why you love music, you’ll soon learn why.


Last Updated on June 24, 2012 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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