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Tag Archives for " heavy metals "

How To Detoxify Yourself and Why You Absolutely Must

Methods of detoxification

You cannot achieve optimum health without a regular detox program. Everyone has various chemicals, pesticides and heavy metals in their bodies, and over time they degrade our health and prematurely age us. Read and watch what to do about it.

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The Right Tuna for You and the Ocean

Overfishing is rampant and delivering fish that are being depleted in the oceans. Some tuna is better than others. But beware of mercury which is in many fish. Get rid of mercury (and other heavy metals) with chlorophyll, cilantro and supplements.

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The Liver: It Needs Cleaning (Watch Video)

It Performs 500 Functions and You Need Them All THE LIVER is our largest organ.  Not only is a healthy liver so vital for a healthy life, like the heart, we only have one.  And also like the heart, millions of us living in industrialized countries aren’t treating our livers very well. One of the […]

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