9 Ways to Fight Diabesity with The Blood Sugar Solution

Dr. Mark Hyman has reduced the price of this Blood Sugar Solution.  It’s a comprehensive, multi-tiered approach to fighting diabesity, the pernicious combination of diabetes and obesity that Dr. Hyman believes afflicts nearly 50% of Americans.  You know people who can be helped.  Check it out!

I FOLLOW Dr. Mark Hyman because, like Dr. Andrew Weil and a precious few other luminary doctors, his focus is on how things connect.

Say you have adult-onset diabetes. Well, why… where did it come from, what actions created it? Same queries with respect to heart disease or any other debilitating, chronic diseases.

This approach in medicine is referred to as “integrative” or “functional” medicine. It seeks and treats the causes of disease, not the symptoms. A pain killer may help reduce pain, but by itself does little, if anything, to remove the cause of the pain.

Dr. Hyman’s latest crusade is to help wake up people to the diabesity epidemic overtaking America.

I don’t know if Dr. Hyman originally coined the term, “diabesity”, but he’s the one blowing the clarion call to do something about it. What he’s doing is promoting the heck out of The Blood Sugar Solution Home Coaching Program.

Just like it sounds, diabesity is the unhappy combination of diabetes and obesity. It makes sense that there’s a term that refers to them both because it’s quite common that if you have adult-onset (or these days, juvenile-onset) diabetes, it was preceded by obesity.

[More on this in my post, The Diabesity Epidemic – It May Be Coming to You.]

Dr. Hyman estimates that nearly half of all Americans have diabesity. Given that about two-thirds of us are overweight (one-third obese, including children), he might be right.

Look like the picture below.  If that’s how your midsection looks, you either may or soon may have diabesity. Surely, several people you know do.

All this brings me to an email I recieved today from Dr. Hyman. (I’m on his email list.)  The email altered us to a deep discount he’s made to his The Blood Sugar Solution Home Coaching Program:



The Blood Sugar Solution Home Coaching Program


The email basically said this:

The program is comprehensive and works to reduce fat and revamp your eating habits and hormones

– It’s not for everyone; rather for people who recognize they have a problem and are willing to be guided to solve it

– It’s a 9-part kit combining the best of his diabesity tools, tests, and information; namely:

#1:  The Blood Sugar Solution Workshop

#2:  The Blood Sugar Solution Workbook

#3:  The UltraWellness® Nutrition Coaching

#4:  Online Cookbook

#5:  Two-Week Access to the New Online Blood Sugar Solution Course

#6:  The Quick Start Guide

#7:  The “How To Work With Your Doctor” Online Guidebook

#8:  The Blood Sugar Solution Quizzes

#9: The Money-Saving Supplements Offer

The “Call to Action” boils down to this, in Dr. Hyman’s words:

“It retails for over $600 but, for a limited time, I’ve reduced the price to just $175.  This is my attempt to get this valuable material into as many hands as possible, but please understand this:  I can only offer a select number of kits at this price.  And when that number is gone, they’re gone.”

Click on the image to enlarge it.

You may be fit as a fiddle, but like I mentioned, you know people who aren’t, people who could benefit by this program.  If so, let them know about it.

My father died from diabetes complications and I’ve watched my sister and mother deal with overweight issues all their adult lives.  This thing hits close to home, so when I see something that may work, I feel compelled to promote it.  I get nothing back from doing this other than the good feeling that this information may be helpful to those who need it.

Dr. Hyman and his program are the real deal — check it out!

P.S.  Check out the ratings for the Blood Sugar Solution and comments that readers have made by clicking the icon below.

P.P.S. Just occurred to me that I need to amend slightly the statement written above that I have nothing to gain by this promotion but the satisfaction that this may be helpful to people. Know that although I get no compensation should someone buy the Blood Sugar Solution kit, if the book is purchased from Amazon via the above link, I do earn an affiliate commission for the book.

Last Updated on April 8, 2014 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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