“How To Live Forever”, a new film by Mark Wexler

Watch this new film’s trailer (below) and read the remarks by Jack LaLanne, Phyllis Diller and four other really old people about living really well.

AS ONE’S years on this planet grow, so does an interest in life extension.  Death is inevitable, but, please, not yet.

Of course, no one really wants to have a long life if that means spending years as an invalid, but who would want to turn the lights out if there was the potential for more vibrant years?

There are seriously smart people and institutions trying to crack the code on aging.  People like Ray Kurzweil and Dr. Terry Grossman promote a “three bridge” model for immortality (read Ray Kurzweil’s March to Extend Life), and the iconic Brit, Aubrey de Grey, showers upon all who will listen his assertion that there are people alive today that will live 1,000 years (watch Aubrey at We Can Stop Aging).

Less technical in their orientation but full of examples of who in the world life long, vital lives and where they live, are the “Blue Zoners”.  People like Dan Buettner study the world’s longest lived and extract lessons from them that are applicable for everyone who wants to live long and strong.

Director Mark Wexler wants to be among them.  He’s devoted three years to make the new film, How to Live Forever.  The film profiles people from 80 to over 100 years of age with the aim of figuring out how they became so long-lived.

Here are some snippets of what some of them told Wexler, along with the film’s trailer below that you can watch:

Delores Bates at age 80, Ms. Senior of Arkansas: Continue to find new dreams

She’s still dancing after a total knee replacement.

Jack LaLanne at age 94, fitness guru: Put yourself first

He died earlier this year at the age of 96, but right up to the last spent two hours a day exercising. “This is where I take care of the most important person in my life: me,” he jokes. “Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.”

Shinei Miyagi at age 94, resident of Ogimi, Okinawa, Japan: Embrace longevity

In Okinawa, it’s not uncommon to live until 100 and longer. Residents’ diets are dense with nutrition and low in calories, plus they are very active physically.

Buster Martin at age 101, marathon runner: Be you

By being “you”, Buster Marin must mean “do what you want to do”, because he certainly does.  A poster boy for the value of good genetics, Martin drinks, smokes, eats whatever, but still can run a marathon.  He’s the guy in the video trailer below.

Phyllis Diller at age 90, comedienne: Laugh often

Diller believes in the old cliché that laughter is, indeed, the best medicine. “I would urge people to laugh more. Children laugh as much as 400 times a day. Adults, 20 times at most,” she says.

Marge Jetton at age 104, nursing home resident: Accept that there aren’t always answers

Jetton says she doesn’t hold the key to longevity, but has found hers by biking seven to eight miles five days a week on a stationary bike and lifting five-pound weights for about five minutes.

Watch this trailer and check out more of what the people above had to say in this article about “lessons on how to live forever”.



Last Updated on January 21, 2023 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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