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Tag Archives for " sarcopenia "

HMB Supplementation, Protein and Creatine for Muscle Health 

HMB supplementation

HMB supplementation, along with protein and creatine, may keep your muscles intact as you age (of course, exercise is also needed). HMB supplementation may also replace leucine to some extent, thereby limiting mTOR activation, and it is thought to improve mitochondrial capacity (mitochondrial biogenesis) as well. See if HMB supplementation is for you!

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Get Strong and Live long with Strength Training

get strong and live long

There’s no getting around it — you must engage in strength training to get strong and live long. There’s no point in having a long life if you can’t walk up the stairs or lift yourself off the floor. Learn the science and get inspired by three seniors that are probably older and stronger than you.

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Why You Must Exercise for Longevity and How To Do It

Exercise for Longevity

You must exercise for longevity. It’s as simple as that. If you want a long, strong and healthy life, you must exercise. Otherwise, your muscles atrophy, your brain goes senile and you get chronically ill. Read, watch the video and go call a friend.

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3 Expert-approved Anti-aging Exercise Routines You Can Do and Why You Should Bother

A 330 lb lift by an 84 year-old

It’s been my experience, and now the science affirms, that no one thing does as much to improve the quality and robustness of life as certain anti-aging exercise routines that you can bstart right now. Here’s why you should bother…

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