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Tag Archives for " mitochondria "

HMB Supplementation, Protein and Creatine for Muscle Health 

HMB supplementation

HMB supplementation, along with protein and creatine, may keep your muscles intact as you age (of course, exercise is also needed). HMB supplementation may also replace leucine to some extent, thereby limiting mTOR activation, and it is thought to improve mitochondrial capacity (mitochondrial biogenesis) as well. See if HMB supplementation is for you!

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New Anti-aging Research Explodes — Mitochondria, Senescence, Biomarkers and Stem Cells

New Anti-aging Research Explodes

New anti-aging research is continuing to increase at a prodigious pace. Brilliant researchers are choosing longevity as their specialty, and billions are getting invested in new biotech start-ups. The results are some promising new drugs under clinical trail. But in the meantime, learn what you can do now to slow your aging rate and become biologically younger.

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Elysium Health’s Basis Just Got $20 Million But Prohealth’s NAD+Ignite Is The Better Deal

Elysium Health’s Basis is a good anti-aging supplement that might be get edged out by Prohealth’s cheaper NAD+Ignite. Here’s what you should know about these clinically tested mitochondrial enhancers.

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How To Reduce Your Probability of Getting Heart Disease By 50%

You can reduce your probability of getting heart disease — the number one killer — by 50% with two supplements, reports a recent five-year study.

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