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Tag Archives for " Life Extension Foundation "

Heal Yourself and Become Superman with Specialized Probiotics

Much of your health is in the hands of single-celled bacterium that reside in and on you. This is the world of the microbiome, and scientists are discovering that specialized probiotics can help heal a variety of health issues that boggles the imagination. Watch and read on to learn how to restore and/or improve your health with specialized probiotics.

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How To Reduce Your Probability of Getting Heart Disease By 50%

You can reduce your probability of getting heart disease — the number one killer — by 50% with two supplements, reports a recent five-year study.

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How To Strengthen Your Pancreas, Improve Digestion and Lower Blood Sugar All By Yourself

strengthen your pancreas

Why strengthen your pancreas? Because it produces hormones vital to your ability to digest food and assimilate carbs and fats. Moreover, about 74% of us have problems with digestion and gut health, and nearly 40% experience damaging elevated blood sugar. How about you?

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My Blood Sugar Numbers Dumbfound Me. Part 1

My blood sugar numbers are in the range of what Dr. Mark Hyman calls it an epidemic. Blood sugar that’s out of control is turning the people of this nation into pre-diabetics, most having no clue that they’re on the path to becoming diabetic. Is it possible, that despite all the healthy things I do, that I’m on that path too?  Are you?? Watch!

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How I’m Boosting Testosterone and Blasting Body Fat

Your testosterone is low and body fat’s high. It often works that way. Improve one and the other improves too. This post details what I’m doing to measure and manage nutritional inputs as I endeavor to boost my testosterone and blast away some body fat.

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