A Healthy, Zesty All-in-one-pan Salmon Meal

Do you want a healthy, zesty all-in-one pan salmon meal?  Try this one; it’s simple, fast and delicious!

LAST NIGHT along the way to some artsy event, I spontaneously stopped by to say “hi” to my friend, “Dana Kay”. We talked blogs, nutrition and the like, and she told me about one of her favorite meals that I want to share with you.

Dana said:

“I was mourning the unavailability of a favorite fish rub from a winery in Sonoma that had major citrus ingredients and super hot pepper flakes, so I decided to create my own variation of a salmon meal. It turned out great…”

So without further adieu, here’s Dana’s recipe:

Dana’s Rainbow Chard and Salmon One Skillet Recipe
(as she emailed it to me, so this is from her mouth to your ears, kinda.)

• Sauté a bunch of rainbow chard (fresh from the farmer’s market) in extra virgin olive oil.

• Heavily pepper (I prefer fresh ground) and top with zest from entire lemon (sometimes I zest an orange and/or a lime, too, for extra citrus flavor… and squeeze the pulp in).

• Add one cut up peach and some sunflower seeds.

• After 10ish minutes, open up the center space of the skillet and add the salmon steaks (I’ve found that the frozen Trader Joe’s wild salmon fillets are great… and reasonable) and mound the greens and other goodies on top of them to help steam them.

• I only cook about 5+ minutes on each side over a medium flame to keep them flaky and light.

• Finally, top with toast unsweetened coconut (I brown in my little omelet skillet).

Her final comment:

It’s such a flavorful and delicious one skillet meal and so colorful! I love the simplicity of one skillet meals.

Thank you, Dana, for this salmon meal recipe — and bon appetite!

P.S. If you’d like to watch a similar meal made from scratch, check out this video of me and Andrea cooking up yet another scrumptious Salmon meal.

Last Updated on July 25, 2014 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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