Some Darn Healthy Pancakes — A Recipe

Check out the video below of my two Swiss friends helping me make healthy pancakes.


THIS BLOG came into being by the exhortations of friends after I became tired of answering the same questions about heath matters. “Put it down in a blog” was the suggestion.

I did.

So, I’m happy to have a home for this particular post, for I keep getting asked about how I prepare what my breakfast guests have exclaimed are the “best pancakes ever!”, and now I can tell them and anyone else who cares to know, how the pancakes are prepared.

First,  a sidebar…. Like with anything mostly comprised of wheat, these pancakes should not be eaten to the point of gluttony.  Rather, have a couple along with an egg, or fruit, cottage cheese… whatever.

Next, a mission statement
… the intent of this healthy pancakes recipe is to put a lot of good stuff into the wheat batter so that the resulting food contains the three macro nutrients important for every meal, but particularly for breakfast – protein, healthy fat and complex carbs.

Here are two of my young Swiss friends enjoying their pancakes:

On to the recipe…

Joe’s “Kitchen Sink” Healthy Pancakes

Ingredients Amount (six pancakes) Preparation Comment
Wet Stuff:-Almond or Cow’s Milk, 1.5 cups

-Eggs, 2

-Olive Oil, 2 Tablespoons

Whisk it all together This is your protein.
Semi-wet Stuff:-Blueberries, 2/3 cup

-Banana, 1

-Zucchini, 2/3 cup

Add it to the wet stuffChop the banana and grate the zucchini Quality carbs from fruit and veggie.
Dry Stuff:-Pancake Mix, whole wheat, 2 cups

-Flax seed  meal, ½ cup

-Walnut or almond meal, ¼ cup

After combining the wet and semi-wet stuff, add this and mix. Omega-3 fatty acids, the “good” fats are supplied by the fax seed and nuts.I use the Trader Joe’s mix, but any one requires adding milk and eggs should work.

The seed meal can be found in health food stores, or Trader Joe’s.

While Cooking, sprinkle:-Toasted Flax Seeds

-Raw Sunflower Seeds


While on side is cooking, sprinkle these on the other (face up). The seeds will sink a bit into the pancake and then will get seared into it when you flip it.


  1. Experiment with amounts.
  2. I use an iron skillet (a fantastic, no fuss, indestructible cooking tool) and butter.
  3. Let the pancake cook to your desired amount, but given all the stuff in it, when you flip it puncture the cooked side in a few places so the insides can cook without burning the outside.
  4. You can make your own nut meal by grinding flax seeds or nuts in a coffee grinder or food processor.
  5. Try adding a little bit of corn meal to the pancake mix.
  6. The fruit can be frozen and defrosted the night before or zapped in a microwave.
  7. Try the pancakes with a dollop of cottage cheese on top and a bit of organic maple syrup.
  8. I’m eventually gonna make this recipe better by creating my own pancake mix, with all due respect to Trader Joe’s.

OK, so go for it, and let us all know in the comments section below how you fare… or better yet, how you tweaked the recipe to accommodate you palate.


Last Updated on July 25, 2014 by Joe Garma

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Joe Garma

I help people live with more vitality and strength. I'm a big believer in sustainability, and am a bit nutty about optimizing my diet, supplements, hormones and exercise. To get exclusive Updates, tips and be on your way to a stronger, more youthful body, join my weekly Newsletter. You can also find me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

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