Arthritis — Don’t Let It Slow You Down

Supplements reviewed here: Hyaluronic Acid, Glucosamine Chondroitin, Curcumin 95, and MSM. [Scroll down for Arthritis supplements and Video exercises.]   THE DOCTORS say that I may have some arthritis in my left hip socket and right shoulder joint, perhaps the result of three pretty impressive accidents. It’s not slowing me down — yet — as […]

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Antioxidants “Kill” Free Radicals

Despite Being Free, Free Radicals Are Bad (Antioxidants Listed Below) MANY PEOPLE have heard of “antioxidants” and “free radicals”, but don’t know much about them except that antioxidants are good and free radicals — despite being “free” — are bad. Let’s add a bit to the knowledge base. “Free Radicals” are formed when oxygen interacts […]

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Watch: Aging… Let’s Slow it Down! (Barbara Walters)

Supplements reviewed here:  Resveratrol, 7 Keto DHEA, Pregnenolone, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Vitamin D3. Sure, Genetics are Important, but what we Eat, Think and Do… Rules. [Watch the Barbara Walters interview below.] WE ALL do it, but most of us rather not.  It’s not the ever-increasing number incessantly ticking that’s so unpleasant, but […]

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Ubiquitous Colds, Flu and Sinus Infections

Supplements reviewed here: Host Defense,  and Olive Leaf Extract Extract. A Strong Immune Systems is Key MY GUESS is that there are more vitamin supplements directed at colds and flu than any other ailment.  Makes sense, because, unfortunately, the majority of us experience this ubiquitous type of sickness at least once a year.  Health officials […]

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High Cholesterol? Do Something!

KNOCK WOOD… despite my prodigious egg consumption (if eight per week is such), I don’t have a cholesterol problem.  Sure, the quality of my diet helps, but for some dangerously high cholesterol levels occur irrespective of diet. People with a cholesterol problem need to do something to get to “good” levels. The quick and common […]

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Cardiovascular Health Ain’t Hard

Just Do What You’re (Grand)Parents Did… And Supplement Too   ACCORDING TO the American Heart Association, Cardiovascular diseases are the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. In 2006 about 80,000,000 people in the United States had one or more forms of cardiovascular disease. The U.S. population in 2006 was approximately 298,444,215. So, nearly 27% […]

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Bone Strength — Essential As We Age

  “Resistance” Activities and Nutrition are Key UNLESS YOU’RE a high-impact athlete, you probably don’t think much about how strong or resilient your bones are; until that is, you get into your sixth decade or higher, particularly if you’re a woman. Although women tend to loose bone mass at the same rate as similarly aged […]

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Amino Acids for Muscle and Energy

AN IDEAL diet should provide all the amino acids (protein) you need.  If yours, like mine,  is not ideal, or you feel you could use a boost to help muscles, connective tissue, organs, nails and/or hair, then check out Amino Acids here. I use: Amino Acid Complex A potent and comprehensive blend of over 20 […]

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Make Love with Bittersweet Chocolate

Dopamine, Oxytocin and the Chemistry of Love Body chemistry lurks behind emotions and some common foods, like chocolate, can stimulate a chemical avalanche that stimulates more desires than you may know. But, as with love, prudence dictates that you don’t overindulge. JUST THE mere mention of the word “chocolate” brings a smile to the faces […]

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