Detoxifying Your Way to Nirvana

  Few Things You Can Do Are So Worthwhile     It can be as simple as taking a few herb tablets. [Make sure you check out Drs. Mercola and Yu’s Ultimate Chemical, Heavy Metal Detox.] THIS IS a favorite topic of mine.  Part of my health philosophy posits that it’s less than optimal to […]

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Energy/Vitality/Jet Lag… Watch the Video

    THERE’S A long list of supplements that may improve your energy in one way or another.  In fact, just about every supplement under the Sun makes this claim to some extent.  Makes some sense, because if whatever ails you is healed, you do get more energy.  Nonetheless, some products are made specifically to […]

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Soreness Ain’t Swell

Just Part of Having a Body But There’s Something You Can Do About It! THIS TOPIC is so closely related to a post about inflammation and joints that anything written here on the topic related to supplements would be redundant, so I encourage you to read it, and particularly this article about inflammation as a […]

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Restful, Rejuvenating Sleep

Nothing Good Happens Without It Supplements Reviewed here: ZMA, Melatonin, FibroSleep, VesPro GHS and Calm Magnesium.   IT’S A common complaint.  We don’t get enough sleep.  Stress, or too much food, TV or activity late at night are common causes.  (Not to mention a lack of exercise for many of us.) From fatigue, to the […]

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Muscles Forever

Supplements reviewed here: ImmunePlex Whey Protein, ZMA, Amino Acid Complex, MSM, and Creatine Monohydrate. More Important The Older You Get Though the Picture is Impressive, Even a Little Bit of Muscle Helps ALTHOUGH I still look like I exercise (because I do), I don’t focus on building muscle just for the sake of being admired.  […]

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Not Even A Trace of Minerals?

Farming and Preparing Food without Minerals is Hazardous IT’S BEEN well publicized that most people do not naturally get the ideal amount of minerals from their diet, particularly trace minerals,.  This is partly due to the fact that top soil, so important to growing nutritious food, has diminished remarkably since the onset of factory farming, […]

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Men’s Health Supplements for Prostate and Testosterone

Watch Hilarious Prostrate Exam Video below HERE’S A few supplements that may help a guy maintain a healthy prostate and boost his testosterone. A Note on Hormones Hormones are delicate things, and I advise that you never mess with them without the consultation of a doctor who has this specialty on his/her sheepskin. You can […]

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The Liver: It Needs Cleaning (Watch Video)

It Performs 500 Functions and You Need Them All THE LIVER is our largest organ.  Not only is a healthy liver so vital for a healthy life, like the heart, we only have one.  And also like the heart, millions of us living in industrialized countries aren’t treating our livers very well. One of the […]

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Inflammation… the Bane of Joints

Reduce Your Inflammation and Improve Your Life (Informative illustration below.) It’s not widely understood that inflammation is the culprit behind a lot of physical misery, from joint pain to headaches. The much praised Cleveland Clinic has an excellent primer on inflammation.  The Life Extension Foundation also has an eye-opening article, that among other insights, speaks […]

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Essential Fatty Acids… and they are (essential!)

“Good Fats” are Necessary for Health Supplements reviewed here: Krill Oil, CLA and kill oil and cod liver oil I take THEY’RE REFERRED to as “essential” because they’re necessary for health.  There are several  important benefits said to accrue from essential fatty acids, such as reduction of inflammation, cardiovascular health, and mood improvement. I got […]

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Emotional Wellbeing (Chemistry Helps!)

Supplements reviewed here: ProSAMe and Krill Oil. “Harmony” NO ONE can argue about the importance of emotional well being, but how is it measured and how can something outside your own Self get it for you? I would say that you measure it by how you feel over time. And I would have said that […]

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Ears that be Ringing, or just plain Dirty

If you’re experiencing ringing ears, or if they just seem to get dirty often, you may want to check out some herbal remedies.   WE ALL have them; hopefully two each.  And who hasn’t experienced them ringing like some insistent telephone? Sometimes when I lie my head down on the pillow, I get this buzzing […]

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