
Category Archives for "Supplements and Drugs"

HMB Supplementation, Protein and Creatine for Muscle Health 

HMB supplementation

HMB supplementation, along with protein and creatine, may keep your muscles intact as you age (of course, exercise is also needed). HMB supplementation may also replace leucine to some extent, thereby limiting mTOR activation, and it is thought to improve mitochondrial capacity (mitochondrial biogenesis) as well. See if HMB supplementation is for you!

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Understanding Senescence and Senolytics: A Comprehensive Overview

Understanding Senescence and Senolytics

Understanding senescence and senolytcs is the first step to doing something about slowing down the aging process that inevitably increases the risk of serious health issues like heart disease, cognitive decline, and cancer. The goal here is to address one root cause of age-related health problems by targeting the accumulation of senescent cells. By using senolytics, researchers aim to promote healthier aging and possibly extend the period of life characterized by good health.

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Do Longevity Drugs Exist Now? (Yep)

Do Longevity Drugs Exist Now

Longevity drugs do exist, as proven by the National Institute of Aging’s Interventions Testing Program. I’ll show you which ones extend lifespan in mice. That has value, because some drugs that benefit mice do find their way to us, so it’s wise to keep up with those critters and the scientists that make them live longer.

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Tirzepatide for Weight Loss? Two Much Cheaper and Accessible Alternatives

Tirzepatide for Weight Loss

Using tirzepatide for weight loss may be a good idea, but there are substantial hurdles. One is getting your doctor to prescribe it, especially if you don’t have type 2 diabetes. The other hurdle is its expensive. Oh, you have medical insurance? Good luck with that!  Here are two alternative to tirzepatidetirzepatide for weight loss to consider.

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Protect Yourself From Radiation Poisoning With These Nutraceuticals

This is a long list of food and supplements that are thought to offer some level of protection against radiation. By and large, these are the very same supplements that are touted to clean and rebuild the body of toxins, as well as provide essential nutrition.

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