
Search Results for: nad

Dr. David Sinclair and Rhonda Patrick: How NAD and Trans-Resveratrol Activate Your Longevity Genes

Dr. David Sinclair

Drs. David Sinclair and Rhonda Patrick say you can influence how well you age, and possible even extend your lifespan, by adopting certain protocols to activate sirtuins, your longevity genes. Here’s the science and how to do it.

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The Best 2 NAD Precursors To Extend Your Healthspan

NAD precursors

The two best NAD precursors are two molecules: one called NMN and the other NR. There’s a debate about which better converts into NAD, thereby keeping it at healthy, youthful levels. This is a very important objective if your aim is to extend your healthspan (perhaps even your lifespan) due NAD’s role in activating a family of proteins called sirtuins, our longevity genes.

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Why I Increased “My NAD+ Levels” By Doubling My Dose of Nictotinamide Riboside

Increase your NAD+ levels

NAD+ levels can be boosted, says a rare human trial that tested the NAD+ precursor, Basis. NAD+ levels decline precipitously with age, and is thought to contribute to the degeneration that is aging. Read, watch and find out how to get Basis.

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Elysium Health’s Basis Just Got $20 Million But Prohealth’s NAD+Ignite Is The Better Deal

Elysium Health’s Basis is a good anti-aging supplement that might be get edged out by Prohealth’s cheaper NAD+Ignite. Here’s what you should know about these clinically tested mitochondrial enhancers.

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HMB Supplementation, Protein and Creatine for Muscle Health 

HMB supplementation

HMB supplementation, along with protein and creatine, may keep your muscles intact as you age (of course, exercise is also needed). HMB supplementation may also replace leucine to some extent, thereby limiting mTOR activation, and it is thought to improve mitochondrial capacity (mitochondrial biogenesis) as well. See if HMB supplementation is for you!

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The Mindset Focus: Positivity, Intimacy and Sleep

the mindset focus

The mindset focus that is arguably the most important is on being positive, developing intimate relationships (not necessarily physical) and getting plenty of restorative sleep. Ignoring these will  make it more difficult to bloom in your later years, and live the long and healthy life that is your potential.

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